Run Log Updated & 30.6 lbs to $2,096

10 weeks and a couple days from today I have a two week window to weigh 212 lbs, in which case I’ll win $2,096 from

I hadn’t updated my Running Log since last August but now have my miles filled in through April ’06.  My run streak is in tact and as of yesterday I’m at Run Streak Day (RSD) 298

2016-04-23 Run Streak Day 293

I count on my Nike Plus app synced with Smashrun to keep track of my streak now since it can be a bit cumbersome to make out a post for Instagram everyday to keep track of my running.  If anyone is interested I can be found on Instagram at @drdukowitz

I have 6 months worth of question marks for my weight in my Running Log but, I really don’t mind because I don’t necessarily want to have to keep track of my weight every day or even every month of my life (if i don’t have to) but, I did weigh in yesterday for another wager going on in which I needed to weigh no more than 243.8 and I beat that by a bit over a pound with a 242.6 weigh-in.

2016-04-23 Run Streak Day 293


I don’t think I’ll have time for all the cropping and edits to make nice charts so readers will just have to deal with my feet being in the pics.  Regarding the Log which I keep under my Running Log tab it’s not too shabby

Running Log

Last year I kinda got huge into running and while there are still ambitions there, my priority focus is definitely body weight mainly because if I don’t make my 212 weight then not only do I not get a $2,096 prize but I’m also out the $756 I put up to make the bet.  I have to say it’s a lot easier with other real & local people that you know you are going to meet up with after 12 weeks like was the case in the local Lose to Win contest I was in.  There’s a much higher degree of competition which, for me, fuels a lot of activity and motivation.  However, this will still be a good test.

Looking at that log, it appears I’ll need my average weight to drop a decade with each successive month.  May will have to average in the 230s, June in the 220s and July definitely in the 210s.

One motivational aspect I’ll use is working to obtain the 3rd rarest running badge available on which is the Towering Stairs badge.  To get it, I’ll need to increase my mileage by at least 15 miles per month for 6 consecutive months.  I made a go at it last year but was starting with mileage well over 100 and would have needed to work my way up to 165 miles or so during the 6th month …something kind of ridiculous, at least at this stage of the game.  Anyway, I have another shot at it here.

2016-04-23 Towering Stairs Badge

My next run is a half marathon in Nashville, TN this coming weekend so I’ll be sure to have all the miles I need in for this month.  After that, I am registered for a half marathon in Geist, Indiana.

I’ll just have to keep posting because this stuff isn’t always on my mind and a big challenge now is simply maintaining awareness of this 212 goal in spite of everything else I’ve got going on.

My next scheduled weigh in is for Tue/Wed the 26th/27th of April so maybe we’ll see a number less than 242.6 and since I’m blogging and have this on my mind, I think I can sign up for another 1 month 4% weight loss dietbet and use that 242.6 weigh in as a new starting point …..calculating……that would mean needing a 232.9 weight or less in 4 weeks.  I guess the weather is nice enough to get out and run more often now….

OK.  We can only be in three 4% 4 week bets and three 10% 6 month bets so I only had room for one more game and found Mama Laughlin’s DietBet which starts tomorrow and my last verified weight of 242.6 was able to be used as my starting point.  I have two more of those 4 week dietbets ending this week, one in two days and one in three days ….looks like those two weigh-ins overlap on the 27th so….well, honestly, I don’t want to lose too much in the next couple days or I might get a goal out of reach ….or, maybe just let the chips fall where they may and put ‘er into high gear to help make my 212 weight asap.  I’ll post again Wednesday with updates.

btw – This latest DietBet I joined has 1,916 players (more pending) a total Jackpot of $67,060 and only $35 to join.  I was given a link directly to the game if anybody wants to join —>


Week 23 Weigh-In

I’m not exactly sure what I weighed last week.  I only had one day back at home between my trips to New York and then to Minnesota.  I was at my parents house on Thursday morning and didn’t get home until 3:30 a.m. looking for last minute pictures for a video I was putting together with my brother for my parents anniversary.  Staying up late wasn’t hard but, getting up an hour and a half later at 5 a.m. was a bit of a challenge.

2015 Wallpaper 02 half - 2015

So, I’m at 252.0 right now which is the same as my average weight for April.  I think, with some of the DietBets I have coming up that I may still be able to end up with an average weight in the 240s, especially since on the first of next month I need to weigh around 239 for Round 3 of a DietBet.

Biggest thing on my mind right now is West Virginia.  In about 20 hours I’ll be heading out for that state and I’ve got plenty to do before then.


I’m on to Plan B with my Marathon Maniac (MM) pursuits since I was yanked from the Starved Rock marathon at mile 12 due to thunderstorms.  Plan B is completing 3 full marathons in 90 days and the Hatfield-McCoy marathon will be #2 of 3 necessary for joining the MM’s.

Lately, I’ve become enamoured with runs offered by a website called  They help people knock out series of either 5 or 7 marathons or half marathons in 5 or 7 days, respectively.  There is one 7 day series in the New England states next year –  May 15-May 21 which cover the states of Main, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York.  I’m already signed up and registered for a half marathon in Fisher, Indiana on the 21st but, I won’t need to run in New York anyway since I’ll be checking off that state with the upcoming Brooklyn run later this year.

For now, it’s been fun to plan out.  It would consist of 2,818 miles of driving to knock out 91.7 miles of running in 7 days.  That’s the New England Series.

The month before there’s a Riverboat series and I would probably only partake in the first three so I could knock out states Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi and would be from April 17th to April 19th.  Currently, i’m already signed up for the GO! St Louis half on April 10th and the Country Music full marathon in Nashville, TN on April 30th and… I imagine I might add the Lincoln Presidential half mary on Saturday, April 2nd just because 🙂

Running 30 half marathons in 365 days in 30 different states qualifies one for the Sun level in the Half Fanatics group and that is the highest level obtainable.  🙂

I haven’t done any planning for 30 states but doing the series and ones I’m already signed up for would give me 13 states in two months.

I currently have one night booked in West Virginia prior to the run on Saturday morning but, there is a Double Agent (HF and MM) who is the president of the local runners club as well as a fireman and I’ve shot an email out to him to see about maybe getting a cot to sleep on Saturday night at the firehouse in either Williamson or Belfry Kentucky.

Even the night before the marathon there is a bon fire at a local park in West Virginia until 10 p.m. as well as a pasta dinner that same evening from 5 to 7 p.m.  There is a meal ticket for after the race and then a pig roast Saturday evening as well.

running short on time here but, it looks like I’ll be shooting for another 240s month as my average weigh in for June then either a low 240s or upper 230s month for July.

Those full marathons are such a different kind of beast with so many physiological and mental aspects to them that it’s a bit difficult for me to make super accurate predictions and isn’t really a time for any new extreme weight losses to occur.  I just don’t have sufficient knowledge or experience to know with any high degree of confidence exactly how things will go.

After Hatfield/McCoy and God willing that I make it through that one, I am already signed up and hotels booked for my third full marathon on July 18th.  A nice cool Summer’s day 🙂

2015 Week 12 Weigh-In

We’re down another 3.2 lbs from last week and down 8.8 lbs from two weeks ago but don’t begin to think that’s anything miraculous.

2015 Wallpaper 02 half - 2015


We need to keep in mind that my weight went up two weeks ago and the week before that I was at 267.6 so we could also say I’ve lost 3.6 lbs in the past 3 weeks.  It’s a perspective thing.  Too many people trying to lose weight are short-sighted – nearsighted or live in a constant state of myopia – they only see the short term and not the big picture.  Weight loss is not linear, it does not follow a straight line.  If we had an accurate enough scale, we could probably record weight changes by the second and certainly by the minute.  Hourly our weight will change, daily and certainly weekly.  I have my averages for each month in my Running Log tab and for March we’re at an average weight of 268lbs so I’m down 4 lbs from last month’s average.  As an instantaneous snapshot of weight, the 264.0 represents a weight that is less than my average for all of last year so, we’re moving in a good direction.  Current efforts which include the same kind of effort that was put out during the week when weight was gained are bearing fruit and should be maintained and continued.

In all these DietBet’s I’m in there isn’t a day that goes by where somebody isn’t lamenting the fact that “they gained a pound this week”  It’s like the 12 or 15 lbs they lost over the preceding 6 week’s no longer matters.  It’s a crappy way of thinking and an attitude that is detrimental to any long term plan of success.  That mental attitude and the psychology behind it is probably something that needs to be changed and worked on more than the diet and exercise aspects if any real success is going to be achieved.  Mentally fertilizing and growing the perceived failures while ignoring the success and what’s working only heightens the probability of quitting while diminishing the likelihood of continued, long term efforts.


Right now I’m 5 for 5 with my DietBet’s and only need a weight of 264.3 for this Saturday’s weigh in so it’s looking good for going 6 for 6.  The following week I’ll need to reach 260.2 in order to win my $100 monthly bet.

For now, I’m well ahead of the game compared to last year when I didn’t have a single recorded run until March 26th and, as of today, I’ve managed 18 runs totalling 52.5 miles.  We’ve got a local 5K coming up this Saturday and then the much awaited Bridge & Dam 10K the following week at the Lake of the Ozarks!


Some of my main current ponderings deal with the end of April and whether or not to partake in the Nashville Country Music Marathon on Saturday, April 25th.  There’s also a local 5K on the same day which would be much more financially friendly although not nearly as exciting or fun 🙂

The following day – on Sunday, April 26th is very interesting to me.  There’s a Duathlon consisting of a 1.5 mile run then a 10 mile bike ride then another 1.5 mile run.  The shorter distances make it ideal for a newbie like me.  I don’t recall ever doing a multiple sport event before.  I think it would be a neat challenge to knock out a half mary the day before in Nashville then get up the next morning to another event like the duathlon.  Right now, the local 5K doesn’t increase in price until the 10th of April so current thoughts are to make a more informed decision after the Lincoln Presidential Half on April 4th.

One amazingly cool run is the Moonlight 1/2 in Springfield, IL – it is entirely run in the 300+ acre cemetery where President Lincoln is buried.  If you’re running the full marathon then you start when you want and the winner is the person who finishes closest to midnight.  That might be a neat way to get in my 3rd full marathon since time isn’t much of an issue – just endurance.  No GPS or phones are allowed on the course and everyone wears a glowstick around their neck.

Week 11 Weigh-In

“What gets measured gets managed”

Peter Drucker”

AND – when you have a financial incentive you can help increase your odds of losing weight by a factor of 5!  Which, is a great reason to click on my HealthyWage badge below which also doubles as my referral link to help you take a significant step in managing your weight as well as giving me an extra $20 towards my final Jackpot! (link opens in new window)  Plus, 10% of the winnings go to help fight ALS (via

Click on the Banner to get your share!

Click on the Banner to get your share!


This week, we find ourselves at the lowest weight of the year so far, 267.2 pounds.  That’s a 5.6 pound drop over last week which can be typical following a week where the weight has gone up.  That 267 lb weight has been pretty stable and is exactly what I weighed the day before this week’s weigh-in.  Today (Friday, 3/13) I actually weighed in at 256.8 lbs which is good since I need to be at 264 next week and down to 260 the week after that.

2015 Wallpaper 02 half - 2015

As you may have noticed above, my official HealthyWage prize banner has changed from it’s original $2036.00 base prize to a new total of $2096.00 because I’ve had 3 people click on my link and sign up which has added $60 to my potential prize.


2015 Running Preview

I still need to finish up Part II of my running preview for the runs I have scheduled for this year – logistically, this blog is a godsend in terms of helping me keep everything straight.  Current list is as follows;


  1. Saturday 3/14 – St Pats 5M Run. – REGISTERED
  2. Saturday 3/21 – McKendree 5K – REGISTERED
  3. Saturday 3/28 – Bridge & Dam 10K – REGISTERED
  4. Saturday 4/4 – Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon – REGISTERED
  5. Sunday 4/12 – 15th Annual GO! St Louis 1/2 Marathon – REGISTERED
  6. Sunday 6/21 – Go! St Louis All American 5k – REGISTERED
  7. Saturday 6/27 – Macklind Mile – REGISTERED
  8. Sunday 6/28 – Pride 5K – REGISTERED
  9. Friday 7/10 – Tour de Belleville – registration not yet available
  10. Saturday 7/11 – Tour de Donut – REGISTERED
  11. Saturday 8/8 – Moonlight Ramble – registration not yet available
  12. Sunday 9/20 – US Navy/AirForce 1/2 Marathon – REGISTERED
  13. Saturday 10/17 – RnR 5K Spinning Medal – REGISTERED
  14. Sunday 10/18 – Rock n Roll St Louis 1/2 Marathon – REGISTERED
  15. Saturday 10/24 – 5K Monster Dash – reg not avail. pending.
  16. Sunday 11/1 – SLTC’s St Louis 1/2 Marathon – reg not available
  17. Virtual Run – Race with Reason – 500 Miles in 2015 for Fighter Medal

The Macklind Mile registration became available so I got signed up for that so I only have two bike rides and two more runs where registration is not available.  I’m not sure if the 5K Monster Dash will be an option unless it’s held  a week earlier due to scheduling conflicts with my Part IV board reviews.  The SLTC 1/2 is the longest running 1/2 marathon in St Louis and I wouldn’t mind doing that again.

Mainly, I’ve been looking at more runs – a few notable mentions would be the Country Music Marathon in Nashville TN.  As a single race, it’s very pricey with a current going rate of $125 and that’s a bit to wrap my head around.  However, the Rock n Roll series has what’s known as a Tour Pass available for $199 that entitles a person to run in any 3 Rock n Roll events.  There is also an extra fee which brings that price closer to $210 but that still comes out to about $70 per run which is easier to swallow than $125.

However – getting that Tour Pass also opens up the option of partaking in two additional RnR 1/2’s this year and in addition to Nashville, I may opt or the Chicago 1/2 which also features the Remix Challenge which means I can run a 5K the day before the half, as well as the 1/2 the next day – this gives participants a total of 3 medals.  One for each of the races as well as the bonus Spinning Medal showing you ran in the back to back races.

For me – the third RnR would only be second to the Washington DC 1/2 marathon I’m already signed up for because RnR #3 would be the Inaugural Run of the Brooklyn, New York 1/2 on October 10th, 2015.  General registration for the run begins March 16 but, as a pass holder I could sign up early.  It even has a special $55 early entry fee.  (which also makes me wonder if using my Tour Pass for this run would be prudent….)

But – I’ve never been to New York before except for flying into the airport once – I’ve never seen the city.  From what I’ve learned the Brooklyn Bridge crosses right over into Manhattan – another place I’ve never seen before 🙂

Most likely – I’ll sign up then figure out how to get there afterwards… 🙂

2015-03-13 15.41.50



52 Weeks of Weigh-Ins

There we go – 52 weeks worth of weigh ins, starting Monday, January 13th, 2014 and ending on Thursday, January 15th, 2015.  …thought i’d throw this blog up during halftime of the Hawks vs Packers game… didn’t happen – under 2 minutes left in that game – freakin’ game of the century here – holy cow!  …  …OT!

After that initial Monday weigh in all subsequent weigh ins were on Thursdays.  Week 32 was the last time I weighed under 260.  From week 33 to 45 I stayed in the 260s.  Battery started going out in Week 46 and was dead in Wk 47.  Week 51 I totally forgot and had to do a catch up weigh in two days later on Sat.

Anyway – looking forward.  I really like how Kyle, who post under Running Large, has running odometer’s for each month of the year dating back to January of 2013.  I’m going to update my Running Log tab to show an Odometer for 2014 along w/ my corresponding average weight for each month.

Below that Odometer table, I want to have a table comparing last years runs to this years runs.  I’m currently signed up and registered for 3 runs in 2015.  Two 1/2 marathons in April and the Rock n Roll 1/2 in October – all runs I’ve done in 2014 so I’ll be able to compare my 2015 times and compete against myself.  Beyond those two, I definitely want to do the Macklind Mile again as well as the Go! St Louis All American 5k – the best 5K I’ve ever run.

For 2014, I ran in 13 of the 14 runs I’d signed up for.  …3 of those “runs” were actually bike rides – Tour de Belleville, Tour de Donut and Moonlight Ramble.

I’ve gotten rid of two of my tabs – the music tab is gone, with several hundred pieces of music on my phone it’s not much of an issue anymore and I don’t need last years marathon training plan but will need something for the 1/2’s coming up in April.  I did virtually nothing for those runs last year except a lot of walking leading up to the runs so it should be pretty easy to beat last years mileage for the beginning of 2015.

I don’t have any specific physical goals at this time – I would like some sub 3 hour 1/2’s in April and I’m fond of a bodyweight in the low 240s – that’s kinda slenderized for me 🙂  For running, the thing I’m most proud of from last year is the 100 mile training month I had in August.  I wouldn’t mind emulating that again and for sure – I’d really like to get in a mile under 10 minutes – that is definitely the Macklind Mile goal 🙂


OK – I also need to blog at least once a week, at least for each of my Thursday weigh-ins.  I’ve already looked up several runs while writing this blog entry and that’s something I haven’t done for a couple months.  The Nashville CMM is $120 for the half – kinda high.  But, the Las Vegas RnR half is sitting at $99.

Mainly, I need to do this for overall health reasons but, it’s a bonus to make it fun 🙂  So …looking at a sub 3 hr half, low 240s bodyweight, sub 10 minute mile and another 100 mile month.

Vegas is interesting.  The first time I ran a 1/2 there, it started at 6:30 a.m. and went up the strip (North) starting at Mandalay Bay then back down west of the strip via Industrial Rd and Frank Sinatra Dr.  There wasn’t much to look at on the way back.   The course in 2015 still starts at Mandalay Bay but, heads South until about even with the Southwest corner of McCarran International Airport then heads back North for about 8 miles then comes back South along the strip and ends at the Mirage.  Oh, it also starts at 4:30 PM Sunday – very different.

Week n - 2nd 12 Week Session zFULL Weeks 52

Week 16, Day 1 – 2015 CMM – Running Log Updates


Registration for the 2015 Country Music Marathon in Nashville Tennessee on April 25 is now open!  Click on the bold faced underlined link and use Code ROCKCMM15 to save $15.  That code is good until 11:50 p.m. on July 25th so, not much time.  The regular price is currently $90 for the half marathon and $95 for the full marathon.  The Rock n Roll series runs are not cheap but this one was a blast in 2014 and I have nothing else planned in April of next year so I’ll probably sign up.

I’ve been having some fun with my Running Log tab and added pictures of both of my previous Full Marathon runs from 1994 and 2004.  I don’t think internet browsers came out until 1995 and I have yet to find any proof that I ran that full marathon back in 1994 other than that medal.  I also posted my first VP Fair 10k run medal from that same year back in ’94.  A few years later I finally realized that we got the same medal regardless of whether we did the 10K or 3K so, I became economical and did the 3K from then on out …. I’ll be honest, I didn’t realize it was a 3K and always thought it was a 5K but, the medal says 3K so … who am I to argue 😉 🙂

I’ve also updated my Monthly Average Statistics also found on that same Running Log tab.  I’ve started to realize that whether I run 3, 5 or 10 miles that at least one of those miles needs to be a decent time in order to keep my “Fastest Mile Average” metric improving.  Which, I suppose is another way of saying that I’m learning to play my own game.  😉

The Fastest Mile column is new and kind of cool.  The statistics shown are from my Sports Tracker app.  The averages from May to June actually went down slightly which can be mildly annoying but, with the addition of that new column I’m able to see a ray of sunshine with an improvement in my fastest mile of over 2 minutes.  That time had two things going for it – 1) it was a race and 2) the race was only 1 mile long (The Macklind Mile)

I’ll have to get to a track by the end of this month to see if I can improve upon that time.
July has been a bit different.  My average distance is over 2 miles more than the previous month and Average Duration has also increased by over 1/2 hour.  So far, the average of my fastest miles for each training run is under 14 minutes as well, coming in at 13:41 per mile.

I almost feel a little desperate to see those numbers drop faster because of the impending Marathon on November 1st.  I often do calculations throughout the day and, for easy figuring, I look at this last 10K and to make the numbers nice think about 6 miles in 1:15 or 12 in 2:30, which means 24 miles in 5 hours.  That’s a heck of a long time and I scarcely have any runs beyond the 6 mile range right now.  The 35 mile bike ride took the place of an 8 mile run but, I do have 11 miles scheduled for this coming Saturday and I’ll have some help from the Rambling Walkers – whoever they are 🙂  It’s at Babler State Park in Missouri so I’m sure some hills will be involved.  At least I’ll get it done early.  I do want to have a bit of a strategy in place and might brush up on the Gallaway strategy of walk/run to help me get through it.

I want to be better than I was 20 years ago and I think that’s possible in terms of running.

That reminds me again of that quote by Bill Gates that most of us overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in 10 years.  I need to get through this upcoming Marathon, it’s not something I take lightly.  Even with that 2015 Nashville run I mentioned earlier, I’m only looking at the half marathon.

I do think maybe if I keep up my efforts that sometime next year – 2015, I’ll really be able to run some races and do them better than I’ve ever done before 🙂

2014 Marathon First One

Longer, Faster – & my Weigh-In Wallpaper!

I’m in week 4 of my 26 week training program and completed 3 out of 4 of the needed runs this week.  Monday and Wednesday were pretty much the same, running 2.1 miles in 35 minutes.  On Thursday, I wanted to do better and after my first 5 minute run/walk interval I deviated from those 5 minute intervals for the first time and ran more when I felt like it as opposed to what the clock said.  The result was a 19% improvement in distance over the same amount of time and can be seen in the following two screenshots from my phone.


Both of these workouts include a five minute walking warm-up then 30 minutes of running & walking.  The slower one is with strict adherence to jogging the start of each 5 minute interval and walking the balance.  The second was more free-flowing, running as I could and often involved not waiting an entire five minutes before starting to jog again.

In a way, I’m constantly on the lookout for improvements, anything to help bolster a belief that I am improving.  I will continue to have faith & trust in myself and the program I’m using.  I guess I have enough experience to know that improvement doesn’t always follow some theoretical linear fashion and there will be ups and downs but, overall, given enough time there should be a trend upwards.  Fits & Starts is one way I’ve seen improvement talked about before.

Weeks 5 & 6 of this program are the same and both consist of 35 minutes of walking and running.  I suppose, in the beginning, having 5 minute intervals where I run as much as I’m comfortable with then walk the balance of five minutes is a pretty safe and comfortable way to start out.

Oh, there was something interesting I noticed when coming to the last five minutes of yesterdays run – I was a bit sad that it was coming to an end.  That is quite a contrast from the 15 or 20 minutes I sat in my car before the run, when I was simply procrastinating and putting things off, even pondering going home first to get a bite to eat.  I’m glad I stayed and accomplished what I did.

I’m hopeful with the extra 5 minutes in weeks 5 & 6 that I’ll be covering 3 or 3.1 miles by the end of week 6.   I’m also hopeful because the 26 week countdown to the marathon doesn’t start until this coming Monday, and I’ll have already finished 4 weeks of the program.  How I end up at the end of week 6 will determine if I move on to week 7 which consist of straight running for 20 minutes on all four days of training or, if I will add week(s) to the program to continue to do what I’ve been doing to allow myself to build up to the 20 minutes of straight running, if necessary.

At least for this one workout yesterday, I was able to jog more and walk less and on another workout prior to Nashville, I jogged for over 5 minutes, non-stop.

Weigh-In Wallpaper  –
while I’m here I should get my wallpaper posted to help with my accountability.  The 12 week contest ended on April 10th, finale was on April 12th.  On Thursday, April 17th I got a new starting weight for myself.  The contest ended with me going from 316.2 down to 244.2 but, there was plenty of fluid loss in the last week so it wasn’t a very real figure to start from plus, I had a jar of peanut butter and a few other things waiting for me that I wanted to eat after the contest.  All told, I’m starting my 2nd 12 week session with a weight of 260.0.  I went up 2.8 pounds after week 1 and then down to 258 for my week 2 weigh in.


The scale numbers are cropped from pictures of the scale I take when I weigh in.  I’m weighing in on the same scale I did when I was in the contest, at a place called Vitalize Chiropractic.  The lower right hand corner is where I’ve been keeping my training program so I can keep on top of things.  I haven’t seen any weight higher than that 262.8 from week 2 but I have seen weights as low as 254.7 which was the day after Nashville and probably due to dehydration.  The contest allowed us to weigh-in anytime during the week on Monday through Thursday and I might stick with the Thursday weigh ins while I can.  The percentage numbers indicates my change in weight as compared to my beginning weight.  Right now I am down 0.77%.  A drop of 10% over the 12 week period would be fantastic and put me in line with my friend from Memphis who writes the RunningLarge blog here on wordpress who purportedly weighs north of 235 lbs but still manages to crank out some incredible times.  He’s someone I’d like to emulate and keep track of.  Whenever I can figure more things out here on wordpress I’d like to copy his blog format as well since he list his stats and various runs that he’s done.  I’ve never had a centralized location for any of that stuff.  His 5k PRs are 26:30 (in a race) and 25:56 (in training) ….that’s a heck of a lot faster than I was thinking.  He has a 4 mile PR of 38:07 so, maybe I’ll try to get in 3 miles at a time equal or better than his 4 mile PR by the end of week 6.  I’ll keep working at it but, need to get to work right now.  🙂


Falling Short

I’ve talked with many ex-smokers who have said that even though they quit, that craving never goes away.  I think of this because most of my marathon thoughts have to do with the first one I ever ran which was back in 1994.  I didn’t train and basically walked my 2nd marathon in 2004 so there wasn’t much in the way of opportunities to form many indelible memories.

1994 is entirely different …memories of the training, memories of the run.  Maybe it was back in ’94 when I became addicted and even though I’ve been an ex-runner more of a runner over the last 20 years, just like the ex-smoker – that craving from running never goes away.  There is a local park with a 1.5 mile track and markers every 0.1 miles.  I remember the first time being able to run completely around that track without stopping.  It was also at that track, after deviating off the path for a while then coming back that I ran my first hour non-stop.  I remember wanting to know what it was like to run at a 4 min/mile pace like Roger Banister so, I figured that was 15mph and was actually able to bury that speed …for 0.2 miles anyway.  For me, that pace was just shy of an all out sprint and took place about two weeks before my first marathon.  I remember one of my last long runs.  I went out the night before with a can of white spray paint and a car full of water bottles.  The run started at the water tower of a local mall and ended at a VFW post & campsite with a lake about 15 miles away.  I drove that course and stopped my car every mile, then got out and spray painted the mile number on the road and left a couple of bottles of water next to the number.  I remember at mile 13 one of the water bottles had tipped over and emptied out.  It was rough looking forward to water only to find none.  My car was waiting at the parking lot of the VFW post and a kind elderly couple who lived at the site gave us some water and a bite to eat.  

The run itself was great up until the 20 mile marker, up to that point it was pure running.  Whatever family lived around the 20 mile marker had tables set up out front with food, it was the first time I stopped running and grabbed some food to eat – I think I stopped, not positive about that part, I am positive I ate food and very shortly thereafter my legs stopped working.  It’s like they seized up and wouldn’t function properly.  I was afraid I might be out of the race but, I found if I squatted down then stood back up that was enough to get my legs moving again, at least for a block or two then I would have to squat down, stand up and continue jogging.  That went on for most of the remaining 10k of the race.

I’m guessing my pace was somewhere between 10 and 11 minutes per mile.  

I’d like to beat all that.  It’s what I think about.  I know I mentioned things I need to do for karate, masons, getting my chiropractic license but, the one thing that seems to dominate my mind more than anything is being able to run longer and faster. I want to be able to hit those milestones I did 20 years ago.  I want to run around that track at the park non-stop.  I want to run for an hour non-stop again.  I want to best that 4 minute per mile pace, even if it is just for 0.2 miles.  Ever since high school, I’ve wanted to run a quarter mile in under a minute.  I think, if I was on a regular track then I may have been capable of doing it that day I toyed with that 4min/mile pace.  My best mile time in high school was 6:04 so I would love to break that 6 minute mark.  I was a lineman on the football team back then so, it was the fastest time of the linemen but beating that 6 minute mark was something that was needed to get an extra star on our helmet.  

Some thoughts in my head are positive about the training and my ability to be able to complete the upcoming marathon while other thoughts lend themselves to doubt.  I like that I still have over 6 months to train for the event but, when I look at the numbers – only 186 days away – 185 days away in about 15 minutes and realize how much farther I have to go then I wonder….

I like that my pace at Nashville was 14:41 because it looks like it’s within striking distance of that 10 min/mile pace.  I know when I’m actually running that my pace is better than 6 mph but, I can’t keep it up that long – that time is still being measured in minutes…. 

There is a race in three weeks, May 17th I’m looking into.  They have a half marathon with a 3 hour time limit but, I’m not really cut out for accomplishing anything overly noble in those half marathon runs and was thinking of tackling a 10k while still adhering to my 5 minute interval program but, maybe pushing it a little bit and maybe doubling the amount of time i was running in Nashville.  Maybe 1.5 or 2 minutes of running every 5 minutes.  I have times of 1:29:33 and 1:30:19 for the 10k splits in the Lincoln Presidential and Nashville CMM runs respectively.  Maybe I could take 8 minutes off those times?  

It’s almost funny or, perhaps ironic, that I mentioned needing to do more and be better with Karate and the Masons in my last post because, I never made it to my weekly Masonic meeting last night and didn’t make it to karate tonight.  It reminds me a bit of what we learned in school about nerves dying.  Just before a nerve finally dies it sends out one last burst of impulse, kind of a last ditch effort type thing.  If a person’s optic nerve was dying about the same time as the rest of the body then that last burst might account for the white light that people have reported seeing before they died.   (then somehow being brought back to life so they could recount the story)

I’ve noticed this phenomenon before though.  When I’m doing well, I want to do better.  But then upon trying or wanting to do more and specifically after writing it down, it seems …more often than not, that’s when I’ll fall apart a little bit on those very things I said I wanted.  

Idk – (that’s “I don’t know” for you non-texting type people out there)  Today, I was just exhausted.  I added a few more lawns to be cut today than I originally had on my schedule so, from 9:02 this morning until 4:10 this afternoon I was cutting grass and except for one quick stop at a local gas station to use the restroom and my drive time from one job to another, that’s pretty much what I did all day – cut lawns.  According to my fitbit that I wear on my wrist I covered over 12 miles today and today was an OFF day for training.  I’m just currently exhausted and at 7:30, instead of being at karate, I found myself in bed only to wake 3 hours later dying of thirst.  Since waking I’ve had 1/2 dozen strawberries, 1 orange and 3 bottles of water in addition to writing a few pages here.  

Falling Short – this was an initial thought I had and maybe stems a little bit from that saying about “shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”

I’m thinking the moon would be what I’m shooting for, that marathon run on November 1st down in Wynne, Arkansas but, the stars would be things like running that 1.5 mile path non-stop – being able to run fast – running for an hour non-stop and I do have a half marathon I’ll be doing with my brother about two weeks prior to my marathon attempt.  He mainly runs for fitness and doesn’t do too many organized events but we keep each other abreast of our training and I know he’ll knock out 3 or 4 miles at around a 9:17 pace and he’s already picked out a training program so he should do *very* well in his third ever half marathon.  It’s the St Louis Rock n Roll Half Marathon, I think on Sunday, Oct 19th – two weeks before my marathon run.  But, if I can run that half in 2:25 or less then I will also qualify for the Pikes Peak Ascent (wave 2, i think) in 2015.  Gotta finish that Ascent in 6 hours or it’s like you never existed.  And, finishing that event in 6 hours or less is the only way to get a finishers jacket.  I want one of those jackets.  It’s kind of like getting one of those Boston Athletic Association jackets that you might see one or two people wearing at any big event.  

I guess the moral of this story is that I can’t be afraid of failing or falling short of my goal because there is so much sweet fruit to be had along the way.  I can not use the possibility of failing be any type of excuse for not trying.  I didn’t even like writing that last sentence.

If I take my training seriously then I may be entitled to serious results.  I spent a great deal of time during my drive down to Tennessee thinking about the whole concept of being serious and thereby taking responsibility for the results we obtain in life.  That’s a whole other blog I was thinking about writing.  

Anyway, so far so good with the current training.  I remember back in the Summer of ’94 I took a running class offered at a local university which met 3 days per week, Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a.m.  I ended up entering my first 10k that Summer and a few months later completed that first marathon of mine.  So, I know it’s possible to complete a marathon with less than 26 weeks of training but that was 20 years ago also and I have a more vintage body to do this with.  

Currently, I am in week 4 of the 26 week program which means 30 minutes of walking/running tomorrow.  AND – that training program officially starts next Monday 🙂

Nashville Country Music Marathon

I wasn’t sure where to start so I threw some pictures up that I had shrunk down after the run.  The first picture on the left is from an Instagram user called @12thbraod.  I was beyond the horizon in that picture.  I think coral #23 was around the top of that hill, I was in #37 out of 40.  The time I got in this half was 7:55 faster than the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon (LPHM) I ran on April 5th.  The really cool part was the 6.9 miles after the 10k split.  I was actually slower on the first 10k of the Nashville run but 8 minutes and 41 seconds faster on the remaining 6.9 miles.  I stuck with doing my five minute run/walk intervals throughout the entire race but, instead of only doing 6 five minute intervals like I did today in training, I did 38 five minute intervals, the majority of them consisted of 0:40 seconds of running followed by 4:20 walking.  It was pretty cool because most everyone else was walking the last half of the race and I kept breaking into those 40 second runs and passing people, lots of people and I was able to keep doing it all the way to the end.  

During the LPHM I ran very little except for the last 0.1 miles at the end and barely made it across the finish line.  My legs seized up and had to hobble over to the medical tent where they iced up my anterior quads proximal to my knees but, I got to walk proudly after the Nashville run 🙂  The selfie I took below was around 4:30 or 5 a.m. at a Motel 6 up in Goodlettesville.  I was a little surprised at having $10 tax added on to a $44 room since that equates to a 22.7% tax.  The nice lady who checked me in said everybody got their cut in that area but they use the money for good.  After looking around the area I would have to agree since everything was so neat and clean.  There were a couple of blind runners in the corral right in front of me which I had never seen before.  

Below is a post race selfie, and one of the many groups of people who cheered along the route.  The mile marker 9 was interesting because when I originally took the picture I didn’t notice the girl in the picture much less the fact that she only had one leg.

I think the Nashville CMM is probably one of the best races for people running in their first half marathon since there are so many people.  I was never without a crowd of people around throughout the entire race and that usually doesn’t happen.  

Today I started Week 4 of my 26 week marathon training and those 26 weeks don’t even start until next Monday so I am happy about the little bit of a jump I’m able to get on my training program.  Weeks 5 & 6 consist of 35 minute run/walk sessions so I’ll break those up into seven 5 minute run/walk intervals.  I may add an additional week or two to help transition into the next phase of the training which starts out with 20 solid minutes of running.  I might need the extra conditioning to be able to accomplish that feat.  I was thinking using some of the addition time I’ve gained on the program to add a week or two of 40 minute run/walk sessions and maybe using 10 minute run/walk intervals that opens the door up to running more than a minute or two at a time, while still allowing ample time for recovery.  Just playing it by ear right now and sticking to the program but, after Week 6, I might add a Week 6.5 unless I happen to amaze myself before then and can run a solid 20 minutes 🙂

I get a little dismayed when I read articles talking about taking 6 months to a year to build up a foundation before training for a marathon.  My NikePlus awarded me a badge for being active 6 straight weeks and before I started using my NikePlus and Sports Tracker I was working at getting in 5 miles a day of walking as tracked by my fitbit which I wear on my wrist and tracks every step I take throughout the day.  I liked the fitbit because it helped make certain smaller changes matter such as parking as far away as possible when going to Wal-Mart and other places like that.  So, I had maybe 3 or 4 months of very low intensity foundation building before I started keeping track of my runs then 3 weeks in the books now with the training program from

I also found some other really cool runners.  One guy here on wordpress writes a blog called and he’s a 235 pounder with some really great times.  One of his last half marathon times I read about was 2:12 and that may have been for  the Midsouth Championship run down in Wynne Arkansas last year.  Basically, my half marathon time minus an hour which means this guy is running around 10 minute miles.  That’s kind of a goal of mine.  I know if I can run 10 minute miles then I can hit a marathon time of 4:22:00 and, if I can run 9:55 per mile then I believe I would come in under 4:20 which would be really cool.  I know I have a book in the other room is devoted to running a sub 4 hour marathon and I might look at it but, for right now, I think I have a smart program which will help keep me from any overtraining and possibly injuring myself.  I just need to stick to it and be patient.  

Another runner I found on Instagram goes by the name of @MatthewabitbolRacing and he’s purported to have lost 100 lbs, ran 40 marathons with a PR of 2:54:18 and 53 half marathons with a PR of 1:21:48

That 235 lb guy is really inspiration to me.  It really helps give some extra value and something tangible to shoot for while continuing to drop weight.  Which reminds me, I still need to get my weight posted.  During the 12 week contest when I dropped 72 pounds, I took a picture of the scale at each weekly weigh in then cropped out the weight and kept track of my weight each week and made like a collage which I used as wallpaper on my computer.  
yeah – hmmm.  anyway, what’s above was my wallpaper and it helped to keep me on track.  I think I only had one weight gain in week 7 of 5 pounds but dropped 10 the following week.  I did another initial weigh to start another 12 week session on my own a couple weeks ago and was at 260 lbs which, is about where I figured I would end up.  The following week I was at 262.8 which is an increase of a little over 1%.  and a weight check after running Nashville was 254 but mainly due to dehydration.  I believe I was 258 this morning.  I need to get my new wallpaper up and posted here since I don’t have a contest to help motivate me and I still need to drop some weight.  I was thinking of a 20-25 weight drop during this second 12 week session which should put me below 240.  

It was hot in Nashville.  In most previous runs I might grab a cup of water and it could take me the next 1/2 mile to drink it all.  At Nashville it got to the point where I was grabbing two cups of Gatorade at a time, slamming them both then grabbing two more.  I think there were stops when I drank 5 or 6 cups total and did that several times.  

When I first started that contest, I used to help track everything I ate.  I need to do that again.  I’m mainly cutting a lot of lawns right now to get money to pay my bills and I know a week before this last run I had one day that I cut so much grass that my daily walking total was over 15 miles.  That may have included a training run but my runs are no more than 2-3 miles right now, even with a 20 minute warmup.  I’ll need to regain control of the eating situation and post those weekly weigh-ins to help hold myself accountable.  

Oh, John Bingham was another person who spoke at the stage at the Nashville Expo, he goes by the nickname The Penguin and I had read some of his stuff before.

Also, the Patriots coach, Bill Belichick ran in the Nashville CMM half marathon and came in with a time of 2:36:46

It’s a cool run and I really, really liked the area so much so that I looked up what kind of Part IV national board scores I would need to practice chiropractic down there.  A few states have higher than passing scores they require in order to get a license but, Tennessee is just a regular state which is fine by me 🙂

Once I pass Part III boards I can get a license in Illinois but, I think I’ll be following in my brother’s footsteps and probably have to retake that exam in September.  March scores don’t come out until May so, we’ll see.  I really need to get a training program together for studying.  I was thinking I should be studying at least as much as I’m running, maybe twice as much.  I’ll definitely need to put more effort into it than last time and it’s not like the effort was slight.  I went to 10 days worth of board reviews and most days those reviews were 10 hours long but, it’s one thing to be exposed to the material and another thing to have it all memorized.  I did learn a lot and have a much better idea of what it will take to pass Part III.  

Other than that, I’d like to do more with my karate as well.  I’m closing in on that black belt rank and need to practice katas and a few other things more often than just in class.  

/G\ – Work with the Masons is going well and I received an Intender’s book last week which is supposed to help me mentor new masons to help them eventually become 1st, 2nd and finally 3rd degree Master Mason’s – like I did last month 🙂



Nashville, TN! #RunCMM – Amazing Place, Amazing Race

I’m not sure where to start – I could have used an extra day before the race and definitely an extra day after the race to party it up some here in Nashville, TN.  This place is pretty awesome and extremely clean from what I’ve seen and that includes everything I saw when getting lost while trying to leave the city to get to my hotel out in Goodlettsville (about 9 min from the city ….34 minutes taking my route…)  😉

Marathon Mental Fitness – 30 min talk by Kevin Leathers
Kevin gave his talk on Marathon Mental Fitness at 3 p.m. at the CMM expo – 
I did my best to jot notes on my phone so…. here’s an excerpt of the text messages I sent myself 😉

  1. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.  This may be a tenet for life and living.  It reminded me of a book called The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, MD.  Product Details
    I have a few copies of that book and, in the past, I know I’ve read the first few pages literally dozens and dozens of times.  I believe the first words in that book are “Life is Difficult”  There’s also an asterisk right after that which refers to Budda and suffering… but, the gist is that once we can accept that life is difficult then we can transcend that fact.  Anyway, the first thing Kevin said was to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
  2. “Your brain gives out miles and miles before your legs do.”
  3. “What story do you want to write?”  Here Kevin was talking about the story you would tell after finishing your marathon.  He said the average person would have between 3 and 1,000 self conversations about the run once they are finished and he challenged people to think ahead of time about what kind of story they wanted to write.  Do you want to write a story that says you walked at each water station or that you kept running right through them?
    This made me think of that poem by Walt Whitman, O Me!  O Life! which was also used in the movie, The Dead Poet’s Society – “that the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse”  What will your verse be?
  4. “The wall is a myth.  It’s always self inflicted”  Apparently with today’s modern training and nutritional methods nobody ever needs to “hit the wall” again as long as they are properly trained.  I’m not sure if I exactly understand everything here but – Kevin does have a website where we may be able to learn more –
  5. Running causes us to be physically fortified and then he said something about being mentally fortified
  6. Generally speaking, our harshest critiques are ourselves but when it gets time to race then we need to be our biggest cheerleader – maybe that is what he said about being mentally fortified 🙂
  7. WIN against those voices in your head.  
    I kind of alluded to those voices in a previous post and was almost apprehensive even talking about them but, Kevin seems to understand.  All those voices that put us down, the doubt, contributors to low self worth – those kinds of voices – shut them up!  Complete your race & win!  🙂

73 year old Don Write – Multiple Myeloma – Running his 81st Marathon Tomorrow!
Don Write is pictured above, he ran his first marathon in 2002 after his 60th birthday!  Tomorrow at the Country Music Marathon Don will be running in his 81st marathon at the age of 73!  Two weeks after he ran his first marathon Don was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (MM) – ….this is where my brain goes off in tangents since MM is one of the things we cover a lot for our board exams.  If anyone is reading this….idk, …there’s still docs out there that rely on the presence of Bence Jones proteins to dx MM but I have read (and learned in school) that Bence Jones has about a 40% accuracy while electroimmunophoresis is accurate about 92% of the time.  Look for an M spike in the IgG …if i recall correctly.  MM – like MnM’s (the candy) – all the same size, as are the punched out lesions in the skull visible on x-ray.
I think Don mentioned on the news tonight that the mean survival rate is about 5 years with MM, I really don’t remember but, he’s more than doubled that estimate.  
ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s dz) has about a 5 year survival rate – it’s both an upper and lower motor neuron disease (dz).  I had an uncle pass away from ALS a couple years ago.  I remember hearing they had one drug that can help give a person an extra three months…

This place is pretty incredible.  It’s a very clean city.  I had thoughts of heading over to Memphis tomorrow night but keep hearing bad reviews about the place.  My main intention was to get over to Wynne, Arkansas to see where I’ll be running the upcoming marathon on November 1st.  However….just because Nashville and Memphis are in the same state and Wynne is just west of Nashville, it’s still a 4+ hour drive to get to either location.  …I wouldn’t mind staying in Nashville an extra night but, with fiduciary responsibilities being what they are I might have to jet back home tomorrow after the run.  

Yikes!  It’s after 10:30 and I need to be getting up at least by 4 so I can head back to the city and find some parking.  Not sure if I mentioned this before but there are over 30,000 people signed up for this run tomorrow.  I’ve done some other Rock n Roll type half marathons in the past but never quite as big as this one.  I’ll be starting out in the 35th corral (out of 40) and, even that was with a pretty optimistic time of 3 hours.